Sunday, March 22, 2009

Be a Communitarian in the 21st Century

48 Stars
Originally uploaded by vanhookc
Here's my set of suggested guidelines to being a communitarian on the Web. The world flattened with the onset of Internet authoring tools. A new global spirit has emerged. So, when you author to the web follow these guidelines:

1. Evaluate the website you plan to contribute content. Validate its authenticity and determine its purpose. Is it to educate, entertain, inform or enlighten, or perhaps question?
2. Be mindful of the objectives of the website, its conditions of use and guidelines.
3. Determine who the intended audience of the website is and add only material that is age appropriate.
4. Feel a sense of global connectivity and take pride in adding ideas, comments, and feedback.
5. Be a communitarian, listening to others, giving feedback, and being respectful of what others have to say.
6. Aim to sharpen communicative and language skills in your postings and comments. Follow conventional grammar and punctuation rules. Authoring to the Web is not a place for the texting style of writing.
7. Be ethical in use of copyrighted materials and items designated Creative Commons. If adding facts, quotes, graphics, audio or video files created by others, always acknowledge the author and other important information. Aim for originality in adding new ideas and content materials.
8. Become knowledgeable of the ever-changing and emerging new technologies on the Internet. Understand how RSS feeds allow users to subscribe to new information provided at a website.
9. Practice caution and safety when adding personal information to the Web. Seek the assistance of a parent or teacher if you have concerns about best practices on Internet safety.
10. Be honest and trustworthy in all that you say and do on the Web.

And so.....your comments are welcome here!

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