Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Reflection on February 2009

Hope February 2009 has been good for you.
Here is a glimpse into these days in my life.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hear the train a coming?

Hear the train a coming?
Originally uploaded by vanhookc
I'd like to hop on a train with my camera and travel across America, snapping some shots along the way!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Renewal of Spirit

For sure, this nest was home to little birds last year, but just spotting it for the first time makes me feel that spring is in the air! It's funny how these little things are right there before our very eyes.

The camera has allowed me to see the little buds on this tree, as well. We are ready at this time of winter for a rebirth in our surroundings.

Yet, daily, we should awaken with that same sense of renewal and spirit. What are the challenges awaiting around the corner and how can we do our best to have a rebirth of positive attitude?

48 / 365 -- Rebirth
Originally uploaded by vanhookc
Have a Good Day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

44/365 -- 4 way GO (2 hands + 2 shovels)

This is just the cutest thing I have seen this winter. The little boy has so much energy and excitement over a job to do. Wait, aren't these sidewalks already cleared? He doesn't care. He's just busy and has a job to do! And that's wonderful. He's out there enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, getting a little exercise pushing shovels, and enjoying the pretty snow!


Originally uploaded by vanhookc
Happy Valentines Day, family and friends!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


This will warm your hearts!

Southeast Polk & Des Moines Independent Schools,
Mrs. Duden and Mr. Strozewski (staff),
what a wonderful event!
The kindness was overwhelming
in this gymnasium!

How to Achieve Success

In any task you wish to tackle in life, create a blueprint, timeline, or set of goals. You'll save time and reach higher levels of success in the long run.

This beautiful design was created twice! Once on a paper scale and then glued on the real thing! Quite a successful project, heh?

A+++ work!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good Goals for Life

Good Goals for Life
Originally uploaded by vanhookc
Smile, dream, laugh...

good goals to practice in February, well, every day!

My Reflections on 2009

Reflections on Jan. '09

A CNN journalist reported January as a brutal month, speaking in terms of economy as well as weather, global issues, etc. Of course, we had a historical inauguration that offers great hope. Here, too, is my reflection on the good things that happened in 20099! No, real brutality here. Even with the chilly temps, there was beauty to behold!