Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why have a Personal Learning Network

Personal Learning Networks are taking off at rapid speed. So, it looks like an interstate of roads and pathways all intertwining with one another. How does one keep on the pathway and headed in the right direction?

There has to be organization--a map, you might say. What is the purpose of web 2.0?

I have tried to list a few reasons to use online social networks and tools. See if you agree?

personal contacts
quick pics of the relatives across the country or world
connect with friends
professional education and training
sharing work
collecting data and information
visual storytelling
training and providing instructions / procedures
quick announcements and advertising
news announcements
quick contact
podcasting / video and audio
training briefs

Being able to leave comments...that's it! As I look at each tool I use, being able to comment is the quickest means of connecting, learning, and growing! Bouncing around ideas generates new knowledge! What success!

And what do you think?

Today, I am using the following (and tomorrow, there will be new tools to add to my list, I can only imagine):
  • A personal webpage
  • Several social networks--two for personal / professional contact and one for a global learning project
  • Several wikis--one for global booktalking and one as my PLN home base
  • Flickr
  • Doodle
  • RSS Feed Aggregator
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Google Docs
  • Shared Feeds
Your comments are welcome! Thus, I can probably begin to add to this list!